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Bacon, Francis: The Essays (1601) Audio Book; The Essays; The New Organon (Audio Book) (1620); The New Organon (Pdf); Atlantide (Pdf;

Balch, William S.: Lectures on Language;

Baron de La Pointe Eugène Le Gai: Dictionnaire des calembours et des jeux de mots, lazzis, coqs-à-l'âne, quolibets, quiproquos, amphigouris, etc.

Barrie, James: Peter Pan (Pdf);

Barthes, Roland;  Life-of-sade (Pdf);

Bartlett, John: Familiar Quotations (hTML);

Bassat, Luis (Con Giancarlo Livraghi) Il nuovo libro della pubblicità. I segreti del mestiere. (

Bazzero, Ambrogio (1851-1882) Pensieri (1869); Storia di un'anima;

Bennett, Charles E.: New Latin Grammar;

Bertagni, Gianfranco: Sito di filosofia orientale e comparata, religione, psicologia, meditazione, letteratura e arti varie. (Html)

Bertozzi, Gabriele Aldo:  Guida del Rivoluzionario;

Bierce, Ambrose: The Devil's Dictionary (Pdf);  Several Stories (Pdf)

Bloch, Iwan: Sade-Life-and-Work (Pdf-Zip);

Books, best quotes on books chosen by Carl William Brown;

Boswell, James:  Life of Samuel Johnson (Pdf);

Brown, Carl William

Daimon Club Project.

Carl William Brown Home Page.

Aforismi Contro il potere e la stupidità. (E-book).

Aforismi Geniali di William Shakespeare. (E-book).

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis. (First Edition). (E-book).

George Mikes e L'umorismo. (Html), (Pdf).

Principi Sintetici ed Enigmatici di Daimonologia Applicata. (Html).

Manifesto del Nuovo Movimento Surrealista, Umorista e Nichilista. (Html).

Il Testamento di Carl William Brown e i lasciti del Daimon Club. (Html), (Pdf).

Ricette della Tradizione Italiana. (Html).

L'Italia in breve. Aforismi, citazioni, battute e riflessioni sull'Italia e gli Italiani. (With English Quotes). (E-book).

Aforismi contro il potere e la stupidità. Seconda Edizione. (E-book).

Aforismi geniali di William Shakespeare. Seconda edizione. (With English Quotes and Essays). (E-book).

Aforismi di Carl William Brown. Volume Primo. (E-book).

Aforismi di Carl William Brown. Volume Secondo. (PDF).

Aforismi di Carl William Brown. Volume Terzo. (PDF).

Quotes and aphorisms on love. (Pdf Edited by C.W. Brown).

Best quotes on Books.(Pdf Edited by C.W. Brown).

Aforismi celebri d'autore. Scelti e curati da Carl William Brown. (Pdf).

Giornata della memoria. Con fotografie su Auschwitz di David Cirese. (Pdf).

A short dictionary of literary terms. (Pdf Edited by C.W. Brown).



Bianco, Alfredo: Il profumo del tempo;  Senza Rete (Acrobazie dirigenziali);

The Holy Bible, King James Version (Pdf);

Boccaccio, Giovanni: The Decameron (Pdf-En)

Bresciano, Dizionario di Melchiori, Giovanni Battista: Vocabolario dialetto Bresciano Italiano Volume primo; Volume secondo; Appendice e rettificazioni al Dizionario bresciano-italiano;

Bruno, Giordano: Spaccio de la bestia trionfante (Pdf); Candelaio (Pdf); Cavallo Pegaseo (Pdf); La Cena delle Ceneri (Pdf); De Infinito Universo (Pdf); De La Causa Principio E Uno (Pdf); Eroici Furori (Pdf); Ombra delle Idee (Pdf);

Jean de la Bruyère: Les Caractères;

Buddha: The Gospel (Pdf);

Burke, Michael: The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics.

Burnett, Frances Hodgson: Little Lord Fauntleroy (Pdf);

Burton, Robert: The anatomy of melancholy (Pdf);

Business English Short Course (Pdf);

Butler, Samuel: The Humour of Homer and Other Essays (html);  The note-books of Samuel Butler (Html);

Babington, Thomas: Thomas Babington Macaulay;

Bacchilide: Epinicians;

Bacon, Francis: New Atlantis; The Essays; The Essays;

Bailey, J.M: They All Do It

Ballard, James G.: James G. Ballard Home Page; 

Balzac, Honoré: L'Elixir de Longue Vie; La Fille aux Yeux d'Or; Le Chef d'Oeuvre inconnu; Le Colonel Chabert; Les Chouans; The Duchesse de Langeais;

Bangs, Nathan: A History of the Methodist Episcopal Church;

Banks, Iain M.: Culture Shock; 

Banville, Théodore de: Théodore de Banville Page; Améthystes; Dans la fournaise; Idylles prussiennes; Le Sang de la Coupe; Les Cariatides; Les Exilés; Les Princesses; Les Stalactites; Nous tous; Occidentales; Odelettes; Odes funambulesques; Rimes dorées; Rondels; Roses de Noël; Sonnailles et clochettes; Trente-six ballades joyeuses;

Barrie, James M.: Peter Pan; Peter Pan 2; Peter Pan Zip; Peter Pan Zip2;

Barrow, Isaac: The Geometrical Lectures of Isaac Barrow;

Baudelaire, Charles: Les Fleurs du Mal; Les Fleurs du Mal;

Baum, Frank: Kidnapped Santa Claus; A Kidnapped Santa Claus (Zip); Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz; Life and Adventures of Santa Claus; Ozma of Oz; The Emerald City of Oz; The Enchanted Island of Yew; The Magic of Oz; The Marvelous Land of Oz; The Marvelous Land of Oz; The Master Key; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; The Road to Oz; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz;

Bede, The Venerable: Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain;

Beccaria, Cesare: Biografia di LiberLiber; Dei Delitti e delle Pene;

Bembo, Pietro: Biografia di LiberLiber; De Aetna; De Aetna Zip;

Beckett, Samuel: Samuel Beckett 

Beguin, Frédérique: Déserteurs, Prostituées, Mendiants et Vagabonds: Etude sérielle sur les Expulsés du Canton de Genève à la fin du XIXe siècle, 1875 - 1898;

Bellamy, Edward: Edward Bellamy Page; Looking Backward: 2000-1887; Looking Backward: 2000-1887;

Belloc, Hilarie: The Great Heresies;

Berkeley, George: A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics; A Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge; A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge; Reasons for not replying to Mr. Walton's Full Answer; The Analyst: A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician; Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous; The Querist;

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: Paul and Virginie;

Bierce, Ambrose: An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge; Fantastic Fables; The Devil's Dictionary;

Biriukov, Pavel: Leo Tolstoy: His Life and Work;

Blake, William: Blake Digital TextProject; Ryan's William Blake Page; The Blake Archive; The Blake Multimedia Project; The William Blake Page; Literary and Artistic Works; Poems of William Blake;

Blisset, Luther: Fonti; Luther Blissett Q; Pantegane & Sangue; Benvenuti a 'sti frocioni, Baku, Nemici dello Stato; Canard à l'orange mécanique; Tomahawk Il seguito di "Benvenuti a 'sti frocioni 3"!; Asce di guerra; Bologna Social Enclave;

Blood, Peter: Pakistan: A Country Study

Boccaccio, Giovanni: The Decameron Web; Biografia di LiberLiber; Decameron Html; Decameron Zip; Trattatello in Laude di Dante;
Boezio, Severino: O'Donnell's Boethius Page; Consolatio Philosophiae; The Consolation of Philosophy;

Boileau, Nicolas: Le Lutrin;

Boito Camillo: Testi in Formato zip;

Bombard, Alain: Naufrago Voluntario;

Boole, Mary Everest: Philosophy & Fun of Algebra

Booth, Catherine: Popular Christianity;

Borges, Jorge Luis: Literatura Argentina Contemporanea; Borges Garden of Forking Paths; The Garden of Jorge Luis Borges; The Great Labyrinth;

Borrow, George: Lavengro; The Bible in Spain; The Romany Rye; Zincali, Gypsies of Spain;

Braga, Franco: Franco Braga Home Page;

Brann, W.C.: Brann The Iconoclast (vol. 01); Brann The Iconoclast (vol. 10); Brann The Iconoclast (vol. 12);

Breton, André: The Library; Surrealist Works;

Bronson, Po: Po Bronson's Humor Archives;

Bronte Sisters: The Bronte Sisters Web

Bronte, Anne: A Celebration of Women Writers;

Bronte, Charlotte: Charlotte's Web; The Victorian Web; The Professor; Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell; Jane Eyre;

Bronte, Emily: Emily Jane Bronte Page; Yahoo Page; Wuthering Heights; Wuthering Heights;

Brooke, Rupert: Poems;

Browning, E.B.: The Victorian Web

Browning, Robert: Everett's Robert Browning Page;

Bryce, James: James Y. Bryce Page;

Bukowski, Charles: Buk's Home Page;

Bulgakov, Mikhail: Mikhail Bulgakov Page

Buchan, John: Greenmantle; Mr. Standfast; Prester John; The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies; The Thirty-Nine Steps;

Bunyan, John: The Holy War; The Pilgrim's Progress;

Burant, Stephen: East Germany: A Country Study; Hungary: A Country Study;

Burgess, Anthony: Anthony Burgess Page;

Burk C. M.: The Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane;

Burnett, F. H.: A Little Princess; Sara Crewe; The Dawn of A To-morrow; The Little Lord Fauntleroy; The Lost Prince; The Secret Garden; The Shuttle; The White People;

Burroughs, E. R.: Edgar Rice Burroughs Page; A Princess of Mars; At the Earth's Core; At the Earth's Core Html; Jungle Tales of Tarzan; Jungle Tales of Tarzan Html; Out Of Time's Abyss; Tarzan of the Apes; Tarzan, The Jewels of Opar; The Beasts of Tarzan; The Gods of Mars; The Land That Time Forgot; The Lost Continent; The Lost Continent Html; The Mad King; The Monster Men; The Mucker; The Oakdale Affair; The Outlaw of Torn; The People Out Of Time;The Return of Tarzan; The Son of Tarzan; The Warlord of Mars; Thuvia, Maid of Mars; In the Catskills;

Burroughs, John: Carroll's John Burroughs Page 

Burroughs, W. S.: William S. Burroughs Page; Literary Kick; W.S. Burroughs InterNetWebZone; William S. Burroughs Page; William S. Burroughs Page;

Burt G. E.: The God-Idea of the Ancients: or, Sex in Religion

Byrne, Donn: Donn Byrne Page

Byrnes, R. M.: Uganda: A Country Study

Byron, George: Lord Byron Page; Yahoo Page; The Lord Byron HomePage; Manfred; Selected Poetry ; Byron's Works;

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