Daimon Banner Link is a promotional and social no-profit organization which aims to promote all the different artistic and social activities operating on the web. This space also aims to become a powerful and complete guide to the best websites showed in Internet. At the same time its goal is that of promoting and stimulating those subject such as art, graphics, photography, literature, poetry, and with them the creative force of imagination, in order to build a nice, amusing and beautiful place. So the mystery is unravelled, in this site every navigator of the web who has its own address will be able to join us with one of his banners, and so he/she will be able to get more contacts and hits. Doing this way popularity will increase and his/her website will greatly increase the traffic obtaining always more and more visits. Simultaneously each member will be hosted in a place which he himself will have also contributed to develop. This website will then be publicized through the different spiders, the different guides, the various associations, the numerous newsgroups and most of all through the different sites of all its members and through the several hundred pages of the Daimon Network. We don't exclude either to promote it through the traditional media that is, radios, televisions, magazines and newspapers. Doing like this I bet that all its members will become very famous and popular in a very short time! So why don't cooperate with us, it's easy, it's funny, and what's more it's a powerful and reciprocal means of promoting and sponsoring our activities. See you soon then, and don't forget to
write us
or better join our Facebook or
Twitter Pages!
These pages are part of the historical site of
the Daimon Club, which now runs its business mainly in its
and various
so their graphic design is very out-of-date but it is deliberately left
unchanged because it remind us of the beginnings of our
adventure on the web.
Per una ricerca veloce
in tutto il Daimon Club
