AND RULES In order to be enroled in the Daimon Banner
Link you must first of all write a letter including a banner of your website, the title of
it and a very short description of your activity. If the banner is explanatory enough we
will use only the title without the description, but anyway it depends on the specific
case. The banner must not exceed these dimensions 468x60x256 only gif or jpg format and
must not exceed 15 kb. In the future, once enrolled, we can discuss about other forms of
interesting collaboration which can emphasize one's personal powerful creativity, in fact
in case of a friendly cooperation we can accept also animated banners and we can also show
them on the most important pages of our Daimon Network. The site is organized into different
categories so first of all you must choose the category where you want your banner to be
put in, and in the letter you must also specify the exact address of your website. If the
category doesn't exist yet, you tell us and we will create it immediately. It's
useless to say that doing like this each member will be able to see others friends' pieces
of art and he/she will be showed all over the world. This way everyone will learn
something from other people or perhaps he will be able to teach something. So don't worry
if you can't create a banner, sooner or later we will find someone who does the work.
Besides whenever you want to change your banner you must just write us and we will change
it immediately. The enrolment is completely free of charge
for no-profit organizations, cultural associations, and emerging artists, while we ask for
a symbolic sponsorship when we promote big companies, well-known firms and popular
artists, but we can also just agree on a banner or link exchange. We can't either insert
pornographic banners or banners that are offensive or violent in meaning. In all the other
cases, for private navigators, artists, musicians, writers, associations, schools and
personal sites there aren't any problems. After a few days that you have registered, that
is the time we need to see your site, we will insert you banner in our Daimon Banner
Link. Since the service is free we ask you to insert in your site a banner, a logo
or at least the name of our social organization. If you want to personalize the banner in
order to make it more fit for your site we can allow you to do so, even though we have to
see you creation first and give you our final approval. We are also thinking to give in
the future a prize to the best banners created for our site, or at least a strong form of
promotion for the real good artist. Everything is extremely easy and confortable
so we think that doing like this all the members of our site will be able to get a lot of
visits and contacts. So, for the time being I can do nothing more but to express my
thanks to you, and at the same time I take the opportunity to wish you an exciting
navigation. And last but not least keep in mind that cooperation is a very good thing for
all those who want to try to improve our difficult and strange world. Bye, Bye and see you
soon! SEND
TWITTER PAGES As I said before you must put our
banner in your website to definitely complete your registration, or at least a logo
or the title of our site with the respective link to our URL. So I have inserted
below some banners of our cultural association, so that you can choose among them. You
also find the exact address to use in order to link the image of our banner. Of course if
you don't cooperate we can't grew up and so we can't either get more visits, and neither
you can , so this step is fundamental. And what's more don't forget that joining us
you are going to be sponsored by a lot of artists, writers, and skilfull navigators all
taking part of the great and exciting Daimon
Club International experience.
For more information you can also write us
using our contact
form page.
Thank you once again. The address you must use to link the
banner is : OR You can also use OTHER
BANNERS or our logo or better past our code into your page where you like it best !!
href="" TARGET="_top"> <img
width="468" height="60"
src="" Daimon Link Daimon Link Member. Show your Banner! So thank you very much indeed and see you soon. Grazie ancora e arrivederci a presto!
Copyright - © 1997,
2020 All Rights reserved by Carl William Brown and The
Daimon Club |