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Wales, Katie: A Dictionary of Stylistics.

Walker, D.P.: Spiritual and demonic magic from Ficino to Campanella. (Pdf);

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George): A Short History of the World;

Wilde, Oscar: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Pdf); Epigrams and aphorisms; The Soul Of Man Under Socialism; A Woman of No Importance ; All other works are available here;

Williams, Edward Huntington, Williams, Henry Smith: A History of Science (Volume I); A History of Science (Volume II); A History of Science (Volume III); A History of Science (Volume IV); A History of Science (Volume V);

Williams, Henry Smith: The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes;

Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Pdf);

Wolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway (Pdf);

Walker, Stephen F.: Animal thoughts (Html) ; Learning and Reinforcement ; Animal Learning: An Introduction ; Other works at this link .

Dictionary of English World Proverbs (Html);

Waithe A. E. On the Philosophers' Stone

Walras, Léon L'Etat et les Chemins de Fer

Walker, Alice Alice Walker - Womanist Writer, Voices From the Gaps: Alice Walker

Walker, Mary Willis Mary Willis Walker Page

Wallace, Marilyn A Wallace Sampler

Walsh, Rodolfo Rodolfo Walsh Page

Warburton, William WRemarks on Mr. David Hume's Essay on The Natural History of Religion

Wassmer, Christelle Simon sur la Grand-Route

Watt-Evans, Lawrence Lawrence Watt-Evans Page

Webb, J. J. The Cruzio Online Library

Weber, David David Weber Page

Webster, Bruce F. Bruce F. Webster Page

Webster, Jean Daddy-Long-Legs-Daddy-Long-Legs -Dear Enemy -Dear Enemy

Weis, Margaret Margaret Weis Page

Weiser, Francis X Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs, I -Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs, II -Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs, III

Weller, Vann K. Vann K. Weller Page

Wells, Herbert George Ann Veronica -Ann Veronica -The Door in the Wall, et al. -The Door in the Wall, et al. -he Invisible Man -The Island of Doctor Moreau -The Island of Doctor Moreau -The Time Machine -The Time Machine -The War of the Worlds -The War of the Worlds -The War of the Worlds

Wells, Martha Martha Wells Page

Wenham, Chris Chris Wenham Page

Werlen, Valérie L'Irlande en marche vers l'Indépendance: 1916-1923

West, Chassie L. Chassie L. West Page

West, Julia Julia West Page

Wezel, Johann Karl Belphegor

Wharton, Edith The Edith Wharton Fan Page, Bunner Sisters -Bunner Sisters -House of Mirth -House of Mirth -Summer -Summer -The Age of Innocence -The Age of Innocence -The Early Short Fiction, Part One -The Early Short Fiction, Part One -The Early Short Fiction, Part Two -The Early Short Fiction, Part Two -The Reef -The Reef -The Touchstone -The Touchstone

What, Leslie Leslie What Page

Wheatley, Henry B. Literary Blunders -Literary Blunders

Wheatley, Phillis Religious and Moral Poems -Religious and Moral Poems

Wheeler, Richard Richard Wheeler Page

Whitaker, Ginger Ginger Whitaker Page, Ginger Whitaker Page

White, Andrew Dickson Warfare of Science and Theology -Warfare of Science and Theology -The Mountains T-he Mountains

Whitehead, Alfred North A biography and Some Quotations; Whitehead's Works;

Whitman, Walt Leaves of Grass -Leaves of Grass -Leaves of Grass

Whitney, Isabella Isabella Whitney Page

Wieland, Christoph Geschichte der Abderiten -Musarion oder die Philosophie der Grazien -Oberon Ein Romantisches Heldengedicht in zwölf Gesängen

Wilde, Oscar Bibliomania: The Network Library, Oscariana, Project Bartleby, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Wild Wilde Web, Wild Wilde Web, Ballad of Reading Gaol -Ballad of Reading Gaol -Poems -Poems -Salome -The Complete Shorter Fiction -The Picture of Dorian Gray -The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wilder, Laura Ingalls Laura Ingalls Wilder Page

Wilder, Thornton The Thornton Wilder Page , Thornton Wilder Page, RWPA: Thornton Wilder

Willey, Elizabeth Elizabeth Willey Page

Williams, Charles Charles Williams Page

Williams, Walter Jon Walter Jon Williams Page

Williams, William Carlos William Carlos Williams Page

Williamson, Mariann Marianne Williamson Page

Willis, Connie Connie Willis Page

Wilson, David Niall David Niall Wilson Page

Wilson, F. Paul F. Paul Wilson Page

Wilson, Hariette E. Our Nig -Our Nig

Wittgenstein, Ludwig Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville Pelham Grenville Wodehouse Page

Wolfe, Thomas Thomas Wolfe Home Page

Wolfe, Tom Celebrity Lecture Series

Womack, Steven Steven Womack Page

Wood, Charles Erskine Scott Zwick's Wood Page

Wood, Deborah Deborah Wood Page

Woods, Russell Russell Woods Page

Woods, Stuart Stuart Woods Page

Woodward, William W. Surprising Accounts of the Revival of Religion, in the United States of America, in Different Parts of the World, and Among Different Denominations of Christians

Woolf, Virginia Virginia Woolf Page The Voyage Out -The Voyage Out -The Voyage Out -To the Lighthouse

Worden, Robert & Savada, Andrea China: A Country Study -Mongolia: A Country Study

Wordsworth, William Project Bartleby, Richard Bear's Wordsworth Page, Romantic Links Complete Poetical Works -Lyrical Ballads (first edition) -The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth

Wright, L.R. L. R. Wright Page

Wright, Richard Richard Wright Page

Wyndham, John John Wyndham Page

Wyndham, Lewis Wyndham Lewis Page

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