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Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, madame de Staël: Elogio dell'amore;

Nukariya, Kaiten: The Religion of the Samurai (A study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan). (Pdf)

La smorfia napoletana. (Html file).

Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita, Zembla, the Nabokov Butterfly Net

Nagata, Linda  Linda Nagata Page

Nakashima, Tadashi  Down with the Cities! -Down with the Cities!

Nasmyth, Jame James Nasmyth: Engineer, an Autobiography edited by Samuel Smilest -James Nasmyth: Engineer, an Autobiography edited by Samuel Smiles

Nazarian, Vera Vera Nazarian Page

Negroponte, Nicholas Nicholas Negroponte Page 

Neruda, Pablo Pablo Neruda Page

Nerval, Gérard Aurélia-Aurélia -La Main enchantée (in Contes et Facéties) -La Main enchantée (in Contes et Facéties) -La Main enchantée (in Contes et Facéties) -Le Monstre Vert -Les Chimères -Les Chimères

Neutzsky-Wulff, Erwin Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff Page 

Newman, Sharan Sharan Newman Page

Newton, Isaac Representation on the Subject of Money

Nietzsche, Friedrich Also sprach Zarathustra Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen -Der Wanderer und sein Schatten -Menschliches Allzumenschliches. Ein Buch für freie Geister -hus Spake Zarathustra -Twilight of the Idols

Nin, Anais  Anais Nin Page,  Yahoo Page 

Nix, Garth  Garth Nix Page 

Norris, Frank  Frank: Blix -Blix -McTeague -McTeague -Moran of the Lady Letty -Moran of the Lady Letty -The Octopus -The Octopus

Norton, Caroline The Victorian Women Writers Project  Letters to the Mob -The Lady of La Garaye

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