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Facezie e motti del Piovano Arlotto (Pdf);

Fielding, Henry:  Tom Jones (Pdf);

Florio, John: Florio's 1611 Italian/English Dictionary: Queen Anna's New World of Words, followed by Necessary Rules And Short Observations For The True Pronouncing And Speedie Learning Of The Italian Tongue.; Florio firste fruites publication; First Fruits (Html); Second Fruits (Html); Florio translation of Montaigne Essais; John Florio Biography and literary theories; The decameron: containing an hundred pleasant nouels: wittily discoursed, betweene seauen honourable ladies and three noble gentlemen; (Translation)

Francione, Gennaro: Biografia (Wikipedia); La Rivoluzione dell'AntiArte. Testi Vari. (Html);

Frank, Anna: Il Diario di Anna Frank (Pdf); The Diary Of A Young Girl: The Definitive Edition (Pdf);

Franklin, Benjamin, (1706-1790) Poor Richard's almanack;

Freud, Sigmund: The Interpretations of Dreams (Pdf);  Aforismi e Pensieri (Pdf); Aforismi sui sogni (Pdf); Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious (Pdf);

Frost, Robert: 100 famous poems (Html); A Boy's Will (Html);

Fallows, James James Fallows Page

Fancher, Jane S. Jane S. Fancher Page

Farmer, Philip Jose Philip Jose Farmer Page

Farrow, John The Story of Thomas More

Fast, Howard Howard Fast Page

Faulkner, William Cain's William Faulkner Page , Padgett's William Faulkner Page, Yahoo Page

Fawcett, Edward The New King Arthur, an Opera without Music

Felske, Coerte V.W. Coerte V.W Felske Page

Ferber, Edna Buttered Side Down -Buttered Side Down -Emma McChesney & Co. -Emma McChesney & Co. -Fanny Herself -Fanny Herself -One Basket -One Basket.

Ferguson, Adam An Essay on the History of Civil Society

Ferguson, Maggie Maggie Ferguson Page

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Page

Ferrari Enrico Maria biografia di Liber&Liber - On-line (formato HTML)-Formato solo testo + ZIP-Formato HTML + ZIP

Ferreri Luna, Francesca Ferreri Luna Francesca Page

Ferri, Enrico Criminal Sociology -Criminal Sociology

Ferrieri Luca On-line (formato HTML)-On-line (formato HTML)-Formato solo testo + ZIP -Formato solo testo + ZIP-Formato HTML + ZIP

Ferris, Warren Angus Life in the Rocky Mountains: A Diary of Wanderings on the Sources of the Rivers Missouri, Columbia, and Colorado, 1830-1835

Fesmire, Jonathan L. Jonathan L. Fesmire Page

Field, Eugene The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac - Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac

Field, Michael Michael Field Page

Fielding, Henry The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

Fieser, James ome Late Opinions Concerning the Foundation of Morality Examined

Finch, Carol Carol Finch Page 

Fine, Stephen Stephen Fine Page 

Finkelstein, Jay Jay Finkelstein Page

Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Yahoo Page

Fitzgerald, George F. Lord Kelvin

Flamel, Nicolas Testament of Nicolas Flamel

Flaubert, Gustave Bouvard et Pécuchet -La Légende de Saint Julien l'Hospitalier -Madame Bovary -Un Coeur simple -Un coeur simple

Fleming, Ian Ian Fleming Page

Flewelling, Lynn Lynn Flewelling Page

Fo, Dario Dario Fo Page

Fo, Jacopo Ridere fa bene

Fogazzaro Antonio Piccolo Mondo Antico-Formato solo testo + ZIP

Folgòre da San Gimignano biografia di Liber&Liber Sonetti-Formato solo testo + ZIP

Fontane, Theodor Fontane, Theodor; Effi Briest

Forche, Carolyn Carolyn Forche Page

Forster, Gwynne Gwynne Forster Page

Forster, Rebecca Rebecca Forster Page, The Electrics' Home Page 

Foscolo Niccolò Ugo biografia di Liber&Liber Dei Sepolcri-Formato solo testo + ZIP -Sonetti-On-line (formato HTML)-Formato solo testo + ZIP-Formato HTML + ZIP -Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis-On-line (formato

HTML)-Formato solo testo + ZIP-Formato HTML + ZIP

Fouque, Friedrich de la Motte Der Zauberring -Undine

Fourier, Charles L'Egarement de la Raison démontré par les Ridicules des Sciences incertaines -Tableau analytique du Cocuage

Fowler, Henry Watson The King's English (second edition) -The King's English (second edition)

Fox, John A Knight of the Cumberland -A Knight of the Cumberland -Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories -Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories

Fox, Matthew-Fonti: Matthew Fox Page

Francesco d'Assisi, Santo biografia di Liber&Liber Cantico di Frate Sole-Formato solo testo + ZIP

France, Anatole La Pureté de M. Zola -Les Sept Femmes de la Barbe-Bleue et autres Contes merveilleux -Penguin Island -Penguin Island -Thaïs -The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard -The Revolt of the Angels

Francione, Gennaro Personal Home Page Domineddracula. Vita, gesta, morte e resurrezione di Vlad Tepes l'impalatore; I segreti della magia nera, bianca e rossa; Vademecum del consumatore. Contro la pubblicità ingannevole.; Ars schiattamoriendi. L'arte di schiattare dal ridere con la morte;

Frank, Anne  Anne Frank Page

Franke, Herbert W. Herbert W. Franke Page

Franklin, Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Page; Autobiography -Autobiography

Frasca, Gabriele Poesia italiana / I contemporanei

Frederic, Harold The Damnation of Theron Ware -The Damnation of Theron Ware -The Market-Place -The Market-Place

Frederic, William Indonesia: A Country Study

Freud Sigmund Aforismi e pensieri-Formato solo testo + ZIP -Formato RTF + ZIP -The Interpretation of Dreams

Friedman, Kinky Kinky Friedman Page

Fries, Adelaide The Moravians in Georgia -The Moravians in Georgia

Froissart, Jean Chronicles -The Chronicles of Froissart

Fromentin, Eugène Dominique -Dominique

Frost, Robert Three Volumes, &c.

Fuentes, Carlos Carlos Fuentes Page

Fucini Renato Le veglie di Neri Formato solo testo + ZIP

Fuji-No-Yama Fuji-No-Yama Page

Fuqua, C. Stephen Stephen Fuqua Page 

Furlong, Nicola Nicola Furlong Page

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