Join The World Of English on Facebook READ YOUR OWN QUOTES AND APHORISMS AESTHETICS (the reality knew through our senses) Apparent truth. Appearance and existence are one and the same, for that which
exists, appears. Therefore, in so far as it appears, appearance and truth coincide. Ken Hunter Potentiality and actuality. Nought in potentiality is non-being* in actuality. *(in italian: non-essere = not to be and/or non being). Ken Hunter Scientific errors. The error of science is not so much in the laws discovered, as in the lack of direction of those who apply them: in their own failure to see the whole in each of its own parts. Ken Hunter Points of view. Subjectivity is not so much an error as an inferior point of view. Ken Hunter Spectroscopy of knowledge. Modern astronomy is undoubtedly glaring proof: knowledge is light, and from the study of it knowledge comes to us. Ken Hunter Vicious circle. "... and just thinking about his own thought ..." a dog began one day chasing his own tail. Ken Hunter Transcendental aesthetics. From the magic of astrology to the science of astronomy: man has read, and still reads the cosmos, looking to unlock the mystery of his own pre-scribed fate. Ken Hunter Retroactivity. If the law of creation did not re-create itself, could we non the less call it by that name? Ken Hunter The part and the whole. Each part, by realizing its own essence, plays its own part in realizing the whole. Ken Hunter Multiverse. The "beyond" is in fact another cosmic world: upon some lost planet light years away from our trivial place. Ken Hunter Transcendental aesthetics. Matter is merely the name chosen by Man for the definition of an aesthetically ordered (transcendental idea) of qualities perceptible to the human senses: the principal mental category of practical life. Ken Hunter Historical perspectives. Time, which Man perceives as being linear in the brief span of time available to him, could very well be circular. Ken Hunter On participation. The whole is one, yet each participates in it in his own way. Ken Hunter Final revelations. Once he has unveiled all the paradoxical mysteries of the Cosmos, Man will reveal the essence of his own mysterious fate. Ken Hunter Historical perspectives. Just as curved space seems to Man to be flat, in the same way the cosmic law seems to us, in a short span of time, to be rational, too. Ken Hunter Centering the shapeless. Since the void does not exist: can the universe display any form? That's why its centre is consequently at every point of its own space. Ken Hunter Apparent truth. Just as the object is an apparition, so too is the knowledge appearing from it. Ken Hunter On divinity. What can be more divine* than the stars and the sun? Yet they too become, are born and will pass. * (in italian: divine = shining, from latin) Ken Hunter Philosophical flaws. Any philosophy that is not able to explain the most insignificant or repellent things in life, too, is in itself a trick. Ken Hunter Paradoxical truth. The paradox is paradoxical only for the old truth that it replaces. Ken Hunter The paradox. "The knowledge that we do not know". The only hypothetical knowledge granted to Man. Ken Hunter Re-vealing. Is it surprising that to unveil it is necessary to re-veal*? * (in italian: s-vela = un-veil; ri-vela = re-veal = re-veil). Ken Hunter Being and becoming. Can man, the biproduct of a cosmic cloud, be something more substancial than the cloud itself ? Ken Hunter PSYCHOSOPHY (psychology applied to philosophy) www.geocities.com/psicosofia Psychosophy. To explain the world by redoubling it is to redouble the difficulties; to exchange the rising tension of life, the idea of future being, in order not to be "in the beyond". If You have some ideas about culture, music, art, literature, science, money, finance, love, language, education, humour, marketing and communication, then You can easily join Us! Carl William Brown and the Daimon Club If you like art, if you can write, if you love reading, if you want to promote your business, if you need to increase your popularity, and if you need some advices to earn some more money, then you should join us! Carl William Brown and The Daimon Club www.daimon.org and www.fortattack.com For a good artist both introspection and observation are fundamental rules. Carl William Brown Considering that all art is political, an aphorism must always be brief, artistic and philosophic, otherwise it can't be at all! Carl William Brown All art is quite useless. Oscar Wilde Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Pablo Picasso The art of war is of vital importance to the State. Sun Tzu All art must be political, on the contrary it is not art, like the useless stuff of some artisans or musicians who try to survive selling their escape and trivial services to the power, more or less consciously! Carl William Brown When energy industries are penalized by politicians and justice administrators there can be just one result, war, that is to destroy in order to create, because energy is life, life is art, and art is useless! Carl William Brown As in any other job, art or science, observation is the only fundamental and pragmatic activity to use to guide your actions! Carl William Brown If you think of the success of the majority of the so called Italian artists, you can easily understand the profound state of decadence and corruption of the stupid nation itself. Carl William Brown Politics – the art of dealing with public life – is the work of politicians who are artists in private affairs. Carl William Brown All art is political, but law unfortunately is artless, that's why our politicians and our bureaucrats are so stupid. Carl William Brown Carl William Brown A futuristic and surrealistic thinker is an artist who can enjoy both the deep sorrow of the real death in life and the feeble pleasure of an unreal life in death. Carl William Brown Love goes beyond life, it's a matter of spiritual art. Sex, on the contrary, it's nothing but the sad shadow of life, or better, the future tragic ghost of death. Carl William Brown Humans must always try to communicate something, even when it’s uncomfortable, painful, uneasy and our audience can only understand shit; because all art is political, Jonson! Carl William Brown Stupidity is the only art that permanently truly exists. Carl William Brown To the art of being satisfied I prefer by far that of being highly unsatisfied and always angry with this stupid world! Carl William Brown Art is life and life is art, and they both are, how could I say... shit? Yeah, I think I might say so! Stercus accidit! Carl William Brown Art is life and life is art, and they both are, how could I say from an aesthetic, philosophical, religious, political and financial point of view... shit? Yeah, I think I might say so! Stercus accidit! Carl William Brown Despite having written enough not consider myself an artist at all, much less a writer, I think I'm just an observer of human stupidity and its vain imbecility! Carl William Brown The art of defining what surrounds us is the kernel of our experience which in turn is essential for the action. Carl William Brown Nowadays it's harder and harder to find words of comfort and consolation among flesh, bones, shit and smoke; that's why we go round with art and literature! Carl William Brown One of the main purpose of art has ever been that of making its indispensable contribution to the growth of entropy of the universal stupidity. Carl William Brown Art prepares us and our ideal desires for a peaceful, everlasting and inexistent world. Carl William Brown Art is a pastime, as well as life and trading! Carl William Brown All art is political, and almost all politicians are stupid and should be, after one legislature, killed! Carl William Brown When I was young I used to practice a martial art that was a mixture of karate, kung fu, Jujitsu, Yawara Kubotan, Aikido, Okinawan kobudo, Newaza, etc.; now I am just a theoretical samurai or a bushido scholar if you prefer. Carl William Brown Appeal to all scholars of stupidity in the world. Come to Italy, this country has the highest rate of morons of the universe, especially among political, bureaucratic, judicial, religious, intellectual, artistic, and mass media members, so it is the best place to develop your own field research. Carl William Brown Art, books, photos and so on are certainly more romantic and more fascinating than real living human being. Carl William Brown When energy industries are penalized by politicians and justice administrators there can be just one result, war, that is to destroy in order to create, because energy is life, life is art, and art is useless! Carl William Brown CERCA IN TUTTO IL SITO DEL DAIMON CLUB New Edition 2015 Youcanprint Self-publishing Copyleft © 1997-2020 www.daimon.org C.W. Brown