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Autonomouslearning.txt;   Compassion.txtCooperation.txtFriendship.txtHonesty.txt; Perseverance.txtRespect.txtResponsability.txtSelf-Discipline.txtSharing and Caring.txtWe Are What We Do.doc;
What Buddha Taught.doc;  Buddhasayings.txt Importance Of Self Control.doc; Values.rar; Howtorearchildren.rar;

SELF-DISCIPLINE   What is self-discipline?

Self-discipline is self-control and self-restraint.
Self-discipline is self-reliance and independence.
Students who exercise self-discipline:

Complete their assignments
Stay on task
Wait to be called on
Work toward personal and community goals
Try again and again
Ignore peer pressure
Choose productive rather than destructive activities
Control their tempers
Eight ways to strengthen your self-discipline

Decide that you really want to be someone who's self-disciplined. Your desire will motivate you to make good choices.
Make a personal commitment to develop and strengthen these traits. Write down specific things to do.
Learn the rules that determine what you can and cannot do.
Be accountable. Accept responsibility for your own behavior. Don't blame others for your actions and decisions.
Practice. Self-discipline is something you can teach yourself. For example, set aside time to read more or to clean up.
Do activities that enhance your self-discipline like yoga, walking, rock-climbing, practicing a musical instrument.
Eliminate harmful habits. For example, if you spend several hours each week watching violent videos or tv programs, make a conscious decision to spend your time in healthier, more productive ways.
Start a self-discipline group to plan and carry out activities.


Brainstorm a list of problems that might result from a lack of self-discipline: personal appearance, physical-mental-emotional health, school success, life success, friendships, job performance, talents, participation in family-clubs-community-faith, marriage, parenting.
Do silly exercises to strengthen your self-discipline like not scratching.
Role-play how you might talk with a younger brother or sister who is demonstrating a lack of self-discipline.
Write or tell a chain story about a make-believe prince or princess who has no self-discipline.
Interview scientists, engineers, doctors, and other people to learn the role of self-discipline in training for their careers and in working.
Investigate different animal species to learn if they use discipline. Is misbehavior punished in young or in a group situation?
Examine nature to find examples of discipline and order such as patterns.
Explore tessellations (repeating geometric patterns).
Research discipline in history.
Draw cartoons showing examples of self-discipline vs. no discipline.
Write new lyrics to a popular song that encourage self-discipline, self-restraint, and self-reliance.
Explore musical dynamics and control.
Learn about self-discipline in sports.
Play a "stop-wait-go" game thinking of different situations.

SHARING AND CARING  What is sharing

Sharing is giving, service, love, helpfulness.
Sharing is kindness, generosity, unselfishness, sacrifice.
Ways to show you care and can share:

With your actions
With your words
With your thoughts
With material gifts
With your actions

You might make your parents' bed, rake leaves off the lawn, tutor a younger child, open a door for someone, or sit with someone unpopular at lunch.
Spend an hour listening to a lonely person.
Be helpful and kind to someone who needs a hand.
With your words

Say kind things to and about other people.
Offer advice when it's wanted and sympathy when it's needed.
Don't spread gossip, rumors, or cruel stories, even if they are true.
Sometimes silence is golden; sometimes the kindest words are those that aren't spoken.
With your thoughts

Positive thoughts and prayers can be very powerful.
You can do an act of kindness for another person merely by thinking good thoughts about him or her.
Other people will feel the positive thoughts you sent their way.
With material gifts

Try giving household items to the homeless or poor, donating trees to your community, buying a shirt for your brother or chocolates for a friend.
Don't limit your gifts to special occasions (charity drives, birthdays, holidays).
Give when you're in the mood and when you're not. Do it just because.

Write in your journal about a time when someone was kind to you or did a service for you. How did you feel?
Read a biography about a famous philanthropist - someone who has dedicated his or her life to improving the lives of others.
Learn about the welfare system.
Research how other countries have cared for their citizens through history in times of greatest need such as disasters, wars, poverty, illness.
Do a "secret service" or a project in which you do something nice for others without telling them.
Write your own "random acts" of sharing book.
Brainstorm a list of possible needs and wants for various people. Help fulfill those needs.
Start a kindness "chain reaction."
Write a skit about sharing and ways to serve others.
Make "I Care" kits - for a new student, for people who have suffered a misfortune such as a loss of a pet, home.
Collect songs about caring and sharing.
Be a caring team player. Brainstorm ways to support team members when they make mistakes, have poor skills, or insult each other.
Start a service project

Research your project.
Form a team.
Find a sponsor.
Make a plan.
Consider the recipient.
Decide where you will perform your service.
Get any permissions you need to proceed.
Fund-raise if necessary.
When your project has ended, evaluate it. Reflect and see what has been accomplished. Are there things that can be improved the next time?


Sometime people lose their cool and do unreasonable things which are not at their own best interest because of lacking self control, the ability to understand emotions and their impact then decides proper action. Self control is often regarded as one of the most important characteristic in the emotional intelligent because it has direct impact on our life. It may help children to have better achievement in their academic by help them remain patient, resist frustration arise from studies and temptation which would preclude them from studies. Moreover, self control is important for one’s career as the management of a company should acquired as they need to calm, clear and focus. In addition, emotional regulation may also help people in interpersonal relationship with their lover, families and others as good control of emotion reduces the chances of conflict which makes others feel bad and have negative recognition of that person regardless of the reason behind. Besides, self control also plays an important role in maintaining harmony in a community by cool our head down and let us think out of the box and help us free from misunderstanding other cultural or divergent of belief. Lastly self-control may also help us to overcome difficulties by help us to let go of the negative feeling which may avert us to solve our problem

Some very important key words for the success of the human being.

Self-control; politeness; hard-working; self-conscience; self-assessment; self-critical; self-management; autonomy; self-government; independence; self-esteem; respect; cooperation; motivation; self-confidence; pluralism; tolerance; learning to learn; permanent education; rules; law; perseverance; responsability; pragmatism; honesty; self-discipline.

Importance Of Self Control.doc

WE ARE WHAT WE DO. How can you change the world? We Are What We Do is a new kind of movement inspiring people to change the world one small action at a time.

Our philosophy is simple: small actions x lots of people = big change

We have the 130 small things that you can do to change really big things. Pick an action, track it here, and see how it all adds up.

Actions to change the world
Here's our list of simple, everyday actions you can do to help change the world (and have fun while you're doing it). It could be doing something for the community like shopping locally, something for the environment like avoiding plastic bags, or something for you, like learning to paint, sing or speak Spanish... These simple actions come from 'Change the World for a Fiver' and 'Change the World 9 to 5' Click to see the list by book.So how does this work? Click on an action to see what it's all about or, if you 're ready to do the do, tick each action you have completed and press the "Done!" button down below. Your actions will be added to the total, there on the top-right. Just like that.

1) Decline plastic bags wherever possible.
Every person in the UK uses up to 167 plastic bags every year. That's 10 billion bags all together. All sitting in huge land fill sites producing tons of methane gas. And methane gas contributes to global warming. All this from a humble shopping bag. And if you consider a plastic bag can take up to 500 years to decay you realise that; 'Houston, we've got a problem.' So, where to start in helping to reduce our growing bag mountain? Well, there is an alternative. It's called a shopping bag and apparently in France, it's very chic. Failing that, start by just using fewer bags at the check out, or better still, take old bags with you to the shops when you can. Maybe we can influence supermarkets to supply biodegradable bags. When they smile sweetly in a helpful manner and offer you a bag just remind them politely they're not, in fact, being very helpful. One thing is certain, with very little effort we can all use fewer than 167 bags a year.

2) Read a story with a child
When kids ask you to read a story to them it's because they know something you don't. They know you'll both feel richer for the experience (they know they'll get an extra half hour before bed as well). Remember how much you enjoyed the experience as a kid - how your imagination was captivated. Well now it's your turn to pass on that feeling and experience how rewarding storytelling really is. And not having kids is no excuse. Read to a nephew or niece, a godchild or friend's child. Local schools and libraries are often crying out for people to read to pupils. Reading and listening to books actually rewires a child's brain, speeds up their grasp of language, helps reduce stress and boosts self esteem. So how terrible that 60% of children go to bed without a story.
Can't find a book they like or aren't bored with, by the fifteenth visit? Make up your own stories. You might be quite good at it.

3) Fit at least one energy-saving light bulb
They're not cheap, these energy saving light bulbs, but over their lifetime they'll save you 65 quid and a lot more besides. And we're not just talking about the pain of getting the wobbly step ladder out from under the stairs but the environmental saving this small action can make. Most of us use light bulbs designed about 100 years ago, inefficiently producing nearly as much heat as light. And it doesn't end there, along with heat they produce carbon dioxide the nasty little gas that helps cause global warming. In fact if every British household fitted just three bulbs enough energy would be saved to supply the entire country's urban lighting. (who does work this stuff out?). So lower bills over a year and a cleaner planet... err, why wouldn't you adopt this action?

4) Learn basic first aid
It takes fifty hours to learn to drive but only two to learn how to save a life. What else are you going to do in that time that is going to make such a difference? Watch 'stars in their eyes' twice over? It can take just four minutes for someone with a blocked airway to die, but eight minutes for an ambulance crew to arrive. Your two hour training would show you how to save that life immediately. The idea of saving someone's life is cool. In fact, it's about as cool as you can possibly get, especially when you realise that statistically the person you help is unlikely to be a stranger. They're more likely to be a friend or relative. Imagine saving your best friend's life.
Imagine giving up two hours of your incredibly busy schedule juggling the school run, food for the weekend and sending emails, with something really important. Both St. John Ambulance and the Red Cross have essential skill courses find out more at

5) Smile and smile back
Are you a smiler? Chances are you could make a bit more effort. And help influence others too. We all know the Mr Misery in the office or Ms Glum at the petrol station. Get them to smile more. It takes up half as many muscles as it does to frown and it makes you and others feel twice as good. Smiling also makes you appear approachable and more attractive. It says: 'I like you, you make me happy, I am pleased to see you.' People can even tell when you are smiling from the intonation of your voice. So smile when you're on the phone. Start the day with a smile. Stick a reminder on your bathroom mirror. You actually can't smile too much, although American synchronised swimmers accepting Gold medals come pretty close.

6) Take public transport when you can
Is this a joke? Public transport sucks. I'm a free man and I have a car. I love my car and I'm going to use it.

This action tends to bring out extreme reactions. We love cars too, especially those new Smart convertibles. It's just a question of balance. How many car journeys are really necessary? When was the last time you sat on a bus? It really can be quite fun, especially on the top deck with kids. Consider this: A double-decker bus carries the same number of people as 40 cars. And it's going there anyway. Buses are seven times safer than cars and obviously more environmentally friendly. Imagine if everyone with a car took just one bus journey a week how much our carbon emissions would be reduced. And if you are driving to work or school, share the journey with a friend. You can find out more at So, don't feel too guilty about driving your new two ton diesel guzzler, just give it a rest occasionally Check out a short film about this action produced by BBC Broadcast
Broadband users only Click here to view (Windows Media Player needed)
Lots of people

7) Plant a tree
Trees are amazing things. They take in stuff we don't like (carbon dioxide) and pump out stuff we do (oxygen). And yet we get rid of these amazing things every year. In fact, 33 soccer pitches of trees are cut down every minute worldwide. You can do something to help. And you don't need to be able to tell your Dimmocks from your Titchmarsh to do it. Plant a tree. Each one you plant will provide oxygen for two people for the rest of their lives.
'The planting of a tree is a gift you can make at almost no cost and trouble and it will far outlive the visible effect of any of your other actions, good or evil.' So said Mr.1984, George Orwell. So where to start? You can visit or or why not get hold of some Scots pine seeds and grow your own Christmas tree? You can gather round on Christmas morning and say - 'That's it. That's my Christmas present to all of you for the next 100 years

8) Have a bath with someone you love Save water and have fun.
A bath full of hot bubbly water is too good not to share. And when you consider an average bath uses 65 litres of water you'll not only feel good in the bath but feel good afterwards too. Just get out before everything becomes too wrinkly and make sure you don't get the taps end.

9) If it says 30mph, do 30mph
We know you've heard it all before. Slow down. Kill your speed. We know it makes sense and yet we all speed occasionally. It seems no matter how many times we are told, or no matter how many cameras there are, we still do it. Well here's a fact that you'll remember: At 35 mph you are TWICE as likely to kill someone you hit as at 30 mph. So by sticking to the speed limit you can greatly reduce your chance of being involved in one of the 3400 fatal accidents in the UK each year. Pass it on.

10) Turn your thermostat down by 1º
This is a 'no brainer'.
Want to save money? Want to use less energy as a household? Turning your thermostat down by just one tiny degree will hardly make any difference. Just an average £25 a year or 10% of your heating bill, that's all.
Why stop there? You may want to make your home more energy efficient or invest in solar power?


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