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Company name: AMG IMPIANTI S.r.l.

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Address:  Via A. Canossi, 2  25030 Torbole Casaglia, Brescia, Lombardia, Italy.

Tel. 030/2150729  030/2150730  Fax 030/2150732

Marketing Director: Zilioli Luigi  Mobile Phone

AMG Company has been operating succesfully on the local and international market since 1980.

It deals with the planning, the realization and the installation of water conditioning and water softening systems, both civil and industrial ones. It produces in its workshops different models of automatic oleodynamic grates, and sluice gates, roller gates, tail-gates, head-gates, sheet-pilings which can be actionated manually, by an oleodynamic system or through a motor, all these products are built in carbon steel, stainless steel or any other special steel assembled using different kind of metal arc-welding. Other products built and commercialised by Amg are clapets in carbon steel, valves, actuators and oleodynamic compactors (or piping press) that are used for compacting the solid residue of riddling and filtering of liquid sewage coming from civil and industrial plants (these machine are used for dehydration, compacting and piping of treated material).
Amg it is also a firm highly specialised in water decantation systems, and oil-washing and pumping station installation.
Amg can supply upkeeing and reparation services with all spare parts.

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