Aphorisms About Work


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I Like very much wathcing other people working. It's a kind of genetic passion!! Carl William Brown
"Prepare for the coming inaction - be lazy." Len Bracken
Humans are congenitally allergic to work - they don't want to work whenever they have a chance not to work. Len Bracken
The sacrosanct notion of work is the cause of most of humanity's woes. Never trust the priests of work because they've poisoned their minds with it. For example, the quantity of economically necessary work declines, yet politicians and economists tell us that the only way to end unemployment is with more useless work. Why couldn't more people do much less? Len Bracken
The invention of workerism gradually, and even then only partially, subverted our natural inclination to be lazy and our disinclination to work. Len Bracken
The ugly brown dye of work spills across this miserable civilization, saturating the fabric of everyday life, day after back-breaking day. Len Bracken
The masses martyr themselves with work. Len Bracken
Work surrounds us and lays siege to our souls. Len Bracken
Going to work is like hurling yourself into an abyss. Len Bracken
The time has come to prepare the sacred cow of work for slaughter. Len Bracken
There are three types of labor - wage work, domestic labor and autonomous activity, the latter being (in most cases) exempt from charges of drudgery and slavery. Len Bracken
Slaves feel tired just thinking of all the work they've yet to do. Len Bracken
Many waters cannot quench our thirst for laziness, nor floods drown it. Len Bracken
Creativity constrains the return of work; be creative and put severe constraints on work.  Len Bracken
Laziness is a comedy in which we can all play a part, a veritable field of sunblown flowers where the unruly colors of the universe dance with the wind. Len Bracken
Fling your work schedule into the river of time.  Len Bracken
The legends of paradise teach us to curse work, reminding us that laziness is the essential goal of humanity. Len Bracken
All power to zeroworker councils - impose a strict regime of laziness!  Len Bracken
The right to work is the right to misery and always implies the possibility of the right not to work. Len Bracken
Now more than ever, we've got to fight the measures designed to make those who refuse to work, work. Len Bracken
Laziness is the source of all virtue. Len Bracken
Work is the graveyard of bad intentions. Len Bracken
Authentic humans feel degraded by those who preach the religion of work. Len Bracken
Pay your debts with an effigy of your boss. Len Bracken
Wage labor perpetuates the archaic system whereby armies and courts consume the profits of overproduction. Len Bracken
In a ton of work, there's not an ounce of love. Len Bracken
Work or perish - what choice is that? I'd rather die than work. Len Bracken
A life of labor always diminishes one's love of life, so become a verb like Bucky Fuller and cease to be the lowly noun spoken of so fondly, once a year, on Labor Day. Len Bracken
If you haven't started working, don't do it - fuller. Len Bracken
"Elite" workers are allied with bosses against fellow humans who are either incapable or, praise them, idle. Len Bracken
Work inhibits the noble passions of humanity. Len Bracken
Workers betray their natural instincts to be lazy and lose their vitality - stop being workers and never work again. Len Bracken
Laziness is the mother of passion, a veritable bed of lust. Len Bracken
Disgrace to the proletariat that gives into work. Len Bracken
For Oblomov, there was the world of work and boredom, and the world of rest and enjoyment. We need more works that display such love of idleness. Len Bracken
Work isn't a task, it's torture. Len Bracken

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