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Solomon Grundy. Born on Monday; Christened on Tuesday; Married on Wednesday; Ill on Thursday; Worse on Friday; Died on Saturday; Buried on Sunday. That was the end of Solomon Grundy.

Where is (where's) the classroom ?
Where is (where's) the desk?
Where is (where's) the teacher?
Where is (where's) Bob ?
Where is (where's) Amy?
Where are the book and the exercise-book ?
Where are the pen and the pencil?
Where are the map and the blackboard ?
Where are Amy, Bob and the teacher ?
It is (it's) in the school.
It is (it's) in the classroom.
He is (he's) at the desk.
He is (he's) near the window.
She is (she's) at the blackboard.
They are (they're) on the desk.
They are (they're) near the book and the exercise-book.
They are (they're) on the wall.
They are (they're) at school.
Are we English?
Is the teacher Italian ?
Are you good at English?
Is the classroom large ?
Is the floor green ?
Is Amy at the desk?
Is the teacher near the door?
Am I at the window?
Are the door and the window open ?
No, we are not (aren't) English; we're Italian.
No, he is not (isn't) Italian; he's English.
No, I am (I'm) not good at English.
No, it is not (isn't) large; it's small.
No, it is not (isn't) green; it's red.
No, she is not (isn't) at the desk; she's at the blackboard.
No, he is not (isn't) near the door; he's near the blackboard.
No, you are not (aren't) at the window; you're near the desk.
No, they are not (aren't) open; they're shut.
Aren't we in the classroom ?
Isn't it a large classroom?
Isn't the wall white ?
Isn't Bob an Italian boy?
Isn't he a good pupil?
Isn't Amy an intelligent girl ?
Aren't the window and the door open?
Aren't they black ?
Aren't you good at English ?
Yes, we are.
No, it isn't; it's a small classroom.
No, it isn't; it's green.
No, he isn't; he is an English boy.
No, he isn't.
Yes, she is.
No, they aren't; they're shut.
No, they aren't; they're green.
No, I'm not.


ADA: Good morning, Sir !
TEACHER: Good horning, Ada. Shut the door, please. ADA: Yes, Sir.
TEACHER: Thank you, Ada. Listen to me, Paolo. Where is Is it on your desk ?
PAOLO: No, it isn't.
TEACHER: You are not a good pupil, Paolo. Sit down and be silent Stand up, Ada, and answer my questions. Where is the map? ADA: It's on the wall, near the blackboard.
TEACHER: Is the wall red ?
ADA: No, it isn't; it's white.
TEACHER: Are the door and the window green?
ADA: Yes, they are.
TEACHER: All right, Ada. Sit down, please.

Is there a garden in front of your new house ?
Is there a fence around the garden?
Are there many flower sin the garden ?
Are there many old trees behind the house?
Is there a girl outside the house ?
Is there a garage at the back of the house?
Is there a red roof on top of the house ?
Are there two chimneys on the roof ?
Yes, there is; it's a beautiful garden.
Yes, there is.
Yes, there are a lot of blue, red and yellow flowers.
Yes, there are a lot of old trees.
No, there isn't; there is a girl inside the house.
Yes, there is.
Yes, there is.
No, there aren't; there is only one chimney.
How many rooms are there down-stairs ?
How many rooms are there upstairs ?
How many armchairs are there in the sitting-room ?
How many pictures are there on the walls of the dining-room?
How many books are there on the shelf in your bedroom?
How many windows are there in the kitchen ?
How many chairs are there around the table in the dining-room?
There are four rooms: the hall, the kitchen, the dining-room and the sitting-room.
There are five rooms upstairs: tree bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory.
There are two armchairs.
There are three pictures.
There are eight books.
There is one window.
There are four chairs.
Is there a baby in the kitchen?
Are there many shelves on the wall?
Is there a knife in the sink?
Is there a dish on the table ?
Are there three glasses on the tray?
Are there many potatoes and tomatoes in the fridge?
Is there a box of matches on the gas-stove ?
Is there a radio in the kitchen ?
No, there isn't; there are two babies in the bedroom.
No, there is only one shelf.
No, there isn't; the knives, forks and spoons are in the drawer.
No, there isn't; the dishes are in the cupboard.
No, there is only one glass on the tray.
In the fridge there is only one potato, but there are a lot in the back garden.
Yes, there are two boxes of matches.
No, there isn't; there are two radios upstairs in the bedrooms.
Useful Phrases and Punctuation Marks

What's the spelling of....? How do you spell ....?
What's the meaning of ......?
What's the English for........?
I beg your pardon?
full stop, comma, colon, semicolon,
question-mark, exclamation mark,
apostrophe, hyphen, dash,
marks of parenthesis,
square brackets, dots. inverted commas,
next line, italics, block letters, in full, abbreviated,
to underline, to open....to close the inverted commas.

My House

My house is in London. It is an old house with six rooms. The dining-room is on the ground floor. It is a large room with one door, two windows and, green walls. There are yellow curtains at the windows, and a new carpet on the floor. In the middle of the room there is a table with three chairs. On the table there is a vase  with beautiful flowers in it. Opposites the door there is a cupboard full of dishes and glasses. The sitting-room is a small room. The fireplace is opposite the window; the sofa and the armchairs are around a small table. There is a box of cigarettes and two boxes of matches on it. The television set is in a corners of the room in front of the sofa. The radio is not in the sitting-room; it is on top of the cupboard in the diningroom. There are a lot of pictures on the walls of the two rooms. My bedroom is not on the ground floor, it is upstairs near the bathroom. There is a large wardrobe, a bed and a desk in it. On the desk there is my
computer and my photo. Near the bed there are many shelves full of books. At the back of the house there is a garage, and there are two beautiful gardens: a back garden and a front garden.

• Where is your house?  • How many rooms are there in your house?  • Where is the dining-room?  • Is it a small room?  • Are the walls yellow?
• Is there a carpet on the floor?  • Where is the table?  • Is there a vase on the table?  • Where are the dishes and the glasses?  • Is the fireplace in the dining-room?  • Is there a sofa in the sitting-room?  • Is there a television set?  • Where is the television set?  • Is the radio in the sitting-room?  • Where is your bedroom?
• Are there many shelves on the walls of your bedroom?  • Is there a garage at the back of your house?

I have a little house
With windows and a door,
Two chimneys on the top,
And a plot of grass before.
I have a little house
With curtains and a blind
Two chimneys on the top,
And a plot of grass behind.
I have a little house,
Where I go in and out
Two chimneys on the top,
And a garden all about.


Hickory Dickory Dock
the mouse ran up the clock;
the clock struck one,
the mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory Dock.

The cock doth crow
to let you know
if you are wise
it is time to rise.

Clap your hands stamp your feet
turn around all sit down now stand up
look at me have a cup of tea
to see who is going to be "it".


Dear Nicole,

thanks for your letter. Sundays we are picking you up at the airport in verona at about 9 a.m. Bring everything you need, since our house is large enough for all your stuff and we have have plenty of space. I hope we will have fun together. In my free time I usually play the guitar, listen to music, draw, paint, take pictures and I play with my computer or I surf the net. Other times I like to go out with my friends for a pizza or just for a walk. Life in Italy is quite strange: sometimes is relaxing and other times is just noisy and boring. here you will be able to find any kind of people. It was nice writing to you. I am looking forword to meeting you , and I hope time will pass as much quickly as possible.

Take care Ann

My Dear Sweet George

I thought I would let you know that my love for you is burning very brightly this afternoon. My heart longs for you. My heart longs to leap at the sound of your voice. My heart longs to be filled with joy by your smile. My heart longs for my love, respect and adoration to flow to you as I gently kiss your hands. My heart longs to be warmed when I hold you in my arms. My heart longs to feel the passion as I caress your face, stare into your beautiful eyes and tenderly kiss you. My heart longs to see our love for one another grow as we sit on the couch and we share from the heart. My heart longs to express my love for you as I rub your leg while we talk. My heart longs to be calmed and comforted as I lovingly kiss and caress your bare arms. My heart longs for me to cup your face in my hands and draw you in for a tender, loving and passionate kiss. My heart longs to feel the sensual passion and desire as we feed each other grapes. My heart longs to express its desire as I tenderly and lovingly touch your lower back. My heart longs for me to feel the love and desire of your gentle touch. My heart longs to experience the sensual passion between us. My heart longs to feel the love and joy of us cuddling and snuggling close.

I adore you my love.

With all the love of my tender heart Alison

On the Beach

I am spending my holidays at the seaside with my family. We are going to stay here for three weeks. My friends Jack and Meg have a lovely villa not far from the hotel where we are staying. Every morning we go to the beach with them. We are all very fond of sport and we often take a boat and go fishing in the open sea. We sometimes go underwater swimming among the rocks and look for shells, crabs and starfish.
Today is a beautiful summer day. There are no clouds and the sun is high in the sky. It is rather hot.
My parents are sunbathing: they like to lie in the sun. My little sister is sitting, between them and is playing in the sand. My little brother is splashing in the water. He cannot swim, but he is not afraid of the waves.
Meg is building a big sand castle on the sea-shore. I am not going to play with her this morning. Jack is going for a trip in a boat and I am going with him.


In English there are not many rules to follow in order to sound formal or informal. The choice of first names rather than Mr or Mrs X is the first distinction. When you meet someone for the first time you say:
- How do you do?
- Nice/pleased to meet you.
To which you can reply:
- How do you do?
- Pleased to meet you too.
If the situation is very informal you can say:
- Hi. I’m Jane, nice to meet you. – I’m Sarah, hi! Nice to meet you too.

When you greet someone you have already met before, you may say:
- Good morning/afternoon/evening. These are the most formal greetings but you can use "Good morning" with people you know well without sounding detached.
- Good morning, John. Did you sleep well last night?
- Good morning, Mrs Hancher. I’m sorry I’m late!
You can use "Hello" in all situations while "Hi" is rather informal.

When you leave you may choose between the following farewells:
"Goodbye!" or "Bye!" or even "See you later".
You can add "Have a nice day" or "Have a nice week-end" if you are speaking to a friend or a colleague and answer "Thank you, same to you".
"Cheerio" is a very informal way of saying goodbye.
You say "Goodnight" only before you go to bed.

This is what you say on different happy occasions:
"Happy birthday", on someone’s birthday;
"Happy or Merry Christmas" and "Happy Easter" just before or on Christmas or Easter Day;
"Happy New Year" on New Year’s Eve and at the beginning of the year;
"Cheers!" when you have a drink with someone and want to express good wishes;
"Good luck!" to wish someone well before an important test;
"Congratulations!" and often "Well done!" to someone who has just succeeded in doing something.


Florence - Hello Jill. How are you? It’s good to see you again. Come in.
Jill - Hello Florence. I’m fine now, thank you.
Florence -Well then, what’s up?
Jill - Well… I’ve been a little stressed with job interviews of late but have found a job in the end.
Florence - Congratulations! Whereabouts?
Step 2
Jill - I’ve been hired as Assistant Manager at "The Body Factory".

Florence -Sounds great. We have something to celebrate, then.
Jill - Yeah, I’ve brought you a bottle of Champagne.
Florence -Good idea. I’ll be right back with nice glasses. Meanwhile, you can open the bottle.
Jill - OK.
Florence -Well.. here’s to your new career….
Jill - Cheers!


These are the names of some public and private means of transport:
1) car – taxi – van – lorry - bus – coach;
2) motorbike – bicycle;
notice that you drive all the vehicles in line number 1 but you ride the ones in line number 2.
All drivers on the road are called motorists, while walking people are pedestrians. You must have a driving license to drive a car but you don't have to have one to ride a moped.
Motorists should stop whenever they see people standing at a pedestrian (zebra) crossing. You can say you drive to school, to the supermarket etc., or that you go by car. On the other hand, you can say you walk there or go on foot.
If you use public transport, you must pay the fare (bus/train/taxi fare). If you can take/catch a train or a bus, you mustn't get on without a ticket. If you take a taxi, you should also give the driver a tip.

If you choose to take a bus, you must find the right bus stop. Buses are often late and sometimes early. In big cities they run every five or ten minutes but in small towns you may have to wait nearly half an hour for the next bus if you miss the one you wanted. Remember that you must always stand in a queue before you get on the bus and don’t worry, if your bus comes first, the people in front will stand aside and let you go first.
If you are in Britain, you might want to try a double-decker bus and enjoy a better view of the town from the upper deck. The problem with public transport is that buses and trains are often full up and this makes your trip uncomfortable and tiring. In big cities you often have an underground. Trains are usually punctual; they run every 3 or 4 minutes and it is much quicker to go from one place to another by underground. If you take the underground or a train, make sure you are standing on the correct platform.


Receptionist - Good morning sir, can I help you?
Visitor - Good Morning. Yes, I need to go to Rickmansworth. How far is it?
Receptionist - Well, I think it is about 25 kilometres.
Visitor - How much does it cost by taxi?
Receptionist - Well, it would be rather expensive by taxi but you could take the underground.
Visitor - And how do I get to the underground?
Receptionist - It's just outside the hotel. There is an information desk next to the ticket office. You can ask them for a map of the underground and they will show you how to get there.
Visitor - How long does it take me to get there?
Receptionist - Oh, about 20 minutes.
Visitor - Thank you very much. Good Bye.
Receptionist - You’re welcome. Have a nice day.


When describing things or people we often talk about size and dimension.
In fact, if we want to know about the dimensions of a river, for example, we can say:
How long/deep/wide is it? or else, What’s its length/depth/width? It’s about 135 Km long (...deep/ wide).
The opposite of deep is shallow, while the opposite of wide is narrow.
We use high and height when we talk about mountains. We can use both tall and high for buildings, especially if they are very tall and thin, like high-rise buildings or sky-scrapers. But we only use tall to describe people or trees and plants.
The opposite of high is low, while the opposite of tall is short.
When talking about clothes and shoes we say:
What size are you? What size do you take? Clothes may be classified as small, medium, large or extra large. Large can always be used instead of big, for example: " I had a very large breakfast this morning". When we want to say something is very big we can say it’s huge, while something very small is tiny. If something is the right size for you: it fits you.
The usual question to ask about distance is: how far is it (from….to)?
Here are some other useful questions and answers about distance:
- Is it far? - Yes, it’s about 15 minutes away by car. - No, it’s just up the road;
- Is it a long way? - Yes, it’s too far to walk
- No, it’s a few minutes’ walk.

What is that?
What is this?
What are these?

What are those?
Which is the minute hand?
Which is the hour hand?
What shape is your watch?
What shape is the school clock?
What colour is the face of your watch?
Which of those clocks is right?
What time is it by your watch?
It is a clock.
It is my watch.
These are the three hands of the watch: the hour hand, the minute hand and a very small hand for the seconds.
Those are the hands of the clock.
The long hand is the minute hand.
The short hand is the hour hand.
It's round.
It's square.
It's white.
The big clock is right; the small clock is five minutes slow.
It's seven sharp, but my watch is wrong. It's ten minutes fast.
1. Where are you at ten o'clock in the morning? 2. What time is it by your watch? 3. Are you at home at half past seven in the evening? 4. Where are you at noon ? 5. At what time are you in bed? 6. Are you at school in the afternoon? 7. Where are you in the evening? 8. Where are you at night? 9. Are you at school in the morning? 10. Are you in bed at midnight?

Bob and Amy's Day

It is seven o'clock in the morning. Bob is in the bathroom, and Amy is downstairs in the kitchen. At half past eight the two pupils are at school. On the wall of the classroom there is a big clock with a white face and two hands: a short hand for the hours, and a long hand for the minutes. The short hand is at eight now, and the long hand is at six. At midday Bob and Amy are back home from school. In the afternoon they are in the garden. It is evening. Bob is in the sitting-room in front of the television set, and Amy is upstairs in the bedroom.
At midnight they are both in bed.


1. Where are Bob and Amy at seven in the morning? 2. Are they at home at eight? 3. Is there a clock on the wall of the classroom? 4. What colour is the face of the clock? 5. Which is the minute hand? 6. Where are the hands of the clock at twenty to ten? 7. Are Bob and Amy in the classroom at noon? 8. Is Amy in the garden in the evening? 9. Where is she at midnight?

The Day

At dawn the sun is on the horizon. The part of the days from sunrise to twelve o'clock is the morning. At midday or noon the sun is high in the sky. The afternoon is the time between noon and about five o'clock. It is light during the daytime, but, at dusk, when the sun is below the horizon, the light of the sun is faint, and after sunset it is dark.
The evening is the time between five and nine o'clock and after nine it is night. In summer there are long days and short nights. In winter the days are short and there are only a few hours of daylight.


1. Where is the sun at dawn? 2. When is it dark? 3. Where is the sun at noon? 4. Are the nights long in summer? 5. Is it light during the daytime? 6. Are there many hours of daylight 7. Where is the sun at dusk? in winter?

What's the first day of the week?
What's the second day of the week?
What's the third day of the week?
What's the fourth day of the week?
What's the fifth day of the week?
What's the sixth day of the week?
What's the last day of the week?
What day is today?
What is the day before Sunday?
What is the day after Friday?
It's Sunday.
It's Monday.
It's Tuesday.
It's Wednesday.
It's Thursday.
It's Friday.
It's Saturday.
Today is Monday
The day before Sunday is Saturday.
The day after Friday is Saturday.
Which months have thirty days?
Which month have thirty-one days?
Which month has twenty-eight days?
When has February twenty-nine days ?
How many months has a year?
How many days has a week?
April, June, September and November have thirty days.
January, March, May, July, August, October and December have thirty-one days.
February has twenty-eight days.
February has twenty-nine days in a leap year.
A year has twelve months.
A week has seven days.
What's the weather, like in spring?
What's the weather like in summer?
What's the weather like in winter?
Is it foggy in autumn?
Is it sunny in December?
Is it cold in July?
Isn't it windy in March?
Isn't it cool in April?
It's fine and warm. Spring is a very nice season.
It's sunny. Summer is a hot season.
It's cold and frosty.
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is
At what time are you at school?
When are you on holiday in winter?
When are you on holiday in spring?
When is Christmas Day?
When is your birthday?
When are you in town?
When are you in the country?
When is it pleasant to go to the seaside?
When is it nice to be at home?
When is there snow on the mountains ?
I am at school nine in the morning.
I am on holiday at Christmas.
I am on holiday at. Easter.
It is on December 25th.
It is on the twenty-fourth of August.
I am in town on weekdays.
I am in the country at the weekend.
It is pleasant to go to the seaside in summer.
It is nice to be at home in the evening.
There is snow on the mountains.

How Many? (Poem)

How many seconds in a minute? Sixty, and no more in it. How many minutes in an hour? Sixty for sun and shower. How many hours in a day? Twenty-four for work and play. How many days in a week? Seven both to hear and speaks. How many months in a year? Twelve the almanac makes clear. How many years in an age. One hundred says the sage. How many ages in time? No one knows the rhyme. Ch. G. Rossetti

Is Amy a pretty girl?
Has she brown eyes and dark hair?
Has she a small mouth?
Is Bob a weak boy?
Are his legs long?
Has he a small nose?
Is your dog a spaniel?
Has it long ears?
Is its head big?
Have we long hair?
Have they freckles on their face?
Have they thin lips?
Yes, she is very pretty; she has a lovely face.
No, her eyes are blue and her hair is fair.
Yes, her mouth is small.
No, he is rather strong.
No, they are very short.
No, his nose is big.
Yes, my dog is a spaniel.
yes, its ears are long.
Yes, its head is rather big.
No, our hair is short.
No, they haven't.
No, their lips are thick.
Reading and Dictation. Three Portraits

I am Bob, an English schoolboy. I am fat and rather short, as you can see from my picture. I have a round face with a big nose and a large mouth. I am a strong boy, but I am not good at sport, because I am a lazy bones.
This is Amy. She is a very pretty girl. She has a lovely face and a rosy complexion. Her hair is long and fair, and she has large blue eyes and a small snub nose. She is an intelligent girl; she is all ears and eyes when the teacher is in the classroom, and she can be silent for hours.
This is my teacher. He is a tall m with a long nose and thin hair. He is short-sighted and he has glasses on his nose. He is a good teacher and he can speak English, French and Italian, but sometimes he is rather boring


1. Who is Bob? 2. Is Bob a fat boy? 3. Has he a square face? 4. Is Bob good at sport? 5. Who is Amy? 6. What colour is her hair? 7. What colour are her eyes? 8. Is she an intelligent girl? 9. Can she be silent when the teacher is in the classroom? 10. Is the teacher a tall man? 11. Can he see well? 12. Can he speak Italian? 13. Is he a good teacher? 14. How does he look like? 15. How many languages does he speak?
What are your parents names?

What are your brother’s and sister’s names?

What’s James’s nickname?
What’s your cousins’ surname?
Where is your aunt and uncles’s home?

Is the Joneses’ home a flat or a cottage?
Is the children’s school far from their home?
My Father’s name is John and my mother’s is Catherine.
My Brother’s name is James and my sister’s is Emily.
It is Jim.
It is Jones.
It is in the country, near my grandparents’ house.
It is a cottage.
No, it isn’t far from it, on the contrary it is very near.
How are you? I am fine thank you, and you? Not very well; I am in bad form today. What's the matter with you? I have a bad cold.
What are your parents names?

What are your brother’s and sister’s names?

What’s James’s nickname?
What’s your cousins’ surname?
Where is your aunt and uncles’s home?

Is the Joneses’ home a flat or a cottage?
Is the children’s school far from their home?
My Father’s name is John and my mother’s is Catherine.
My Brother’s name is James and my sister’s is Emily.
It is Jim.
It is Jones.
It is in the country, near my grandparents’ house.
It is a cottage.
No, it isn’t far from it, on the contrary it is very near.
December 25th is Christmas Day. In every house and shop there are trees and decorations of glass balls, stars, holly and mistletoe. There is a happy atmosphere in England at Christmas. There is carol singing in the streets, and there are lots of people and lights in the centre of every big city. In Trafalgar Square, London, there is a very big Christmas tree. It is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Britain. Father Christmas or Santa Claus has a lot of presents for all good children on Christmas Day. The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. On that day it was an old custom in Britain to give boxes with presents to postmen and servants.
What can we do with our hands and fingers?
Can a blind man see?
Can a deaf man hear?
Can dumb men speak?
Where can children go in summer?
What can you do in the evening when you are at home ?
Can you read English?
We can touch, we can write, we can play and work.
No, he can't.
No, he can't.
No, they can't.
They can go to the seaside.
I can listen to the radio, watch television, read a good book or study my lessons.
No, I cannot read English.
The Seasons

March 21st is the first day of spring. The sun is in the constellation of Aries. The sky is blue, the air is cool, and it is lovely to be in the country. The gardens are green with new grass. There are birds and nests in the trees. Easter is in spring. It is the feast of the resurrections of Christ and it is celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon of spring.
June 21st is the first day of summer. The sun is in the constellation of Cancer and the weather is fine. Boys and girls are on holiday. They are at the seaside or in the mountains, because it is hot in town. September 22nd is the first day of autumn. The sun is in the constellation of Libra, and the weather is sometimes rainy and foggy. The leaves on the trees have warm
colours: yellow, red and brown. December 21st is the first day of winter. The sun is in the constellation of Capricorn, and the sky is grey and cloudy. It is cold in winter. The roofs of the houses are sometimes white with snow, and there is frost at night. Christmas is on December 25th. It is the feast of the birth of Christ. Boys and girls have a long holiday at Christmas. They are back at school on the second day of the new year.


1. What is the first day of spring? 2. Where is the sun on March 21st? 3. What is the weather like in spring? 4. What is there in the trees? 5. When is Easter celebrated?
6. Where is the sun on the first day of summer? 7. What is the first day of autumn? 8. Is the weather fine in autumn? 9. What colour are the leaves on the trees?
10. Is December 25th the first day of winter? 11. When is the sun in the constellation of Capricorn? 12. What colour is the sky in winter? 13. Is there snow on the roofs of the houses in winter? 14. Are boys and girls on holiday at Christmas? 15. When are they back at school?

Excuse me, Sir, who is that gentleman?
Excuse me, Madam, who is that lady?
Excuse me, Madam, who is that young lady?
What is Mr. Jones?
Who is that lady near Mr. Jones?
What is she?
Who are those boys?
What are they?
He is Mr. Brown.
She is Mrs. Brown.
She is Miss Brown.
He is a workman in a factory?
She is Mrs. Jones, Mr. Jones’s wife.
She is a housewife.
They are Mr. and Mrs. Jones’s sons.
Bob is a student, and John is a clerk.

Tom: Would you like me to take you somewhere tonight, Franco?
Franco: Oh, that would be wonderful ! I've never seen London at night. Is there anything interesting to see?
Tom: London is full of attractions! I wish I had a lot of money to take you out every night I would show you all the theatres, cinemas, clubs, pubs, concert halls, discotheques and ball-rooms that London provides.
Franco: I needn't see everything. I would just like you to show me, something.
Tom: Where do you want me to take you?
Franco: I'd love to go to a theatre.
Tom: I know there is a very interesting play at the Drury Lane Theatre, but we should have bought tickets in advance. What about going to the cinema or to a concert ?
Franco: I'm not so fond of concerts; I'd rather go to see a picture.
Tom: There are lots of cinemas in Leicester Square. We could go there, so you'll be able to choose the film you fancy.
Franco: All right. I wish Paola could come with us; but, as a rule, her English friends don't like her to go out at night.
Tom : Do you want me to ring them up and ask them to let her come with us ?
Franco: Oh, please do.

Franco: We were thinking of doing the pubs tonight. Will you join us, Paola?
Paola: I'd like to. But pubs are places for men only, aren’t they?
Franco: Don't be silly! That might have been true in the 20's or 30's, not today. A woman can enter any pub nowadays, can't she, Tom?
Tom: Of course she can. Yet you can still find a few pubs with the sign " Ladies not admitted unless accompanied by a gentleman".
Franco: You needn't worry, Paola! You are with two gentlemen... Let's go to the "Green Man", then. It's just round the corner.
Paola: They only sell strong drinks at pubs, don't they ?
Tom: No, you can have soft drinks as well: lemonade, orange squash and even tea at some pubs.
Franco: Here we are!
Paola: It's stuffy in here, isn't it ?
Tom: Yes, it is. This is the typical atmosphere of an old English public houses, full of smoke and smelling of beer.
Paola : You must have your drink standing at the bar, mustn't you?
Tom: No, you can take your glass to a table if you like. But the traditional way of drinking in a pub is standing at the bar.
Barman: Time, gentlemen, please!
Franco: What does the barman mean?
Tom: It's nearly closing time. The barman is inviting the people to order their last drinks.
Franco: It's only eleven o'clock. They close quite, early, don't they?
Tom: Pubs are allowed to stay open from about 6 p.m. till about 11 p.m., and it's'very difficult to get strong drinks after that time.
Franco: You would never have thought that a pub was such an interesting place, would you, Paola ?
Paola: No, never.

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