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Why does a chicken go to sleep on one leg? I don't know. Because if he took the other leg away he'd fall over!
Why is a tin of condensed milk like a mad dog? I don't know. Neither can ride a bike.
How do blonde braincells die ?  Alone.
How do you get a blonde pregnant? Come in her shoes and let the flies do the rest.
How do you get a blonde to marry you? Tell her she's pregnant. What will she ask you?  "Is it mine?"
How does a blonde moonwalk? She pulls down her panties and slides her ass along the floor!
What do you call 5000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!
What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?  There are skid marks in front of the dog.
Why won't sharks attack lawyers? Professional courtesy.
What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?  Not enough sand.

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