An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
The passion for destruction is also a creative passion.
Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876, Russian political theorist)
The destructive character lives from the feeling, not that life is worth living, but that suicide is not worth the trouble.
Walter Benjamin (1982-1940, German critic, philosopher)
We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we demolish the ruins as well. But the only way I can see of doing that is to use them to put up a lot of fine, well-designed buildings.
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907, French playwright, author)
When smashing monuments, save the pedestals -- they always come in handy.
Stanislaw J. Lec (1909-1966, Polish writer)
Destruction, hence, like creation, is one of Nature's mandates.
Marquis De Sade (1740-1814, French author)
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