An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





If you think of the success of the majority of the so called italian artists, you can easily understand the profound state of decadence and corruption of the stupid nation itself.
Carl William Brown  (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


It's an extremely good thing that money sometimes changes hands.
Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


Man is made up of about 80% water so it is no wonder that he is polluted.
Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


Life is nothing but a cock and bull story, and one of the best of its kind.

Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


In the past, to subjugate the people, the powerful used force, laws and religion; now, they also have football and television.

Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


Many would love to avoid paying tax but only the rich manage to do so. The poor realise, therefore, that they have to pay taxes even for them.

Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


Politicians of the Left say that those of the Right are dangerous for our country, those of the Right in turn say the same thing about their colleagues of the Left. I would simply put forward the idea that perhaps both are dangerous.


Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


Politics - the art of dealing with public life - is the work of politicians who are artists in private affairs.

Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


 Some intellectuals work at filling our brains, whereas others do their best to empty them. Naturally the latter are in the majority.

Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


The baddies exist because there are goodies - eliminate the goodies and the baddies will gradually disappear too.
Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)


The world is destined to become even more comical; that is why humorists are the real precursors of our future civilisation.
Carl William Brown (1960 - ,  Italian writer, aphorist, teacher and trader)



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