An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
All religions have honored the beggar. For he proves that in a matter at the same time as prosaic and holy, banal and regenerative as the giving of alms, intellect and morality, consistency and principles are miserably inadequate.
Walter Benjamin (1982-1940, German critic, philosopher)
God ordains that beggars should beg for greatness, as for all else, when greatness shines out of them, they don't know it.
Georges Bernanos (1888-1948, French novelist, political writer)
Beggars should be entirely abolished! Truly, it is annoying to give to them and annoying not to give to them.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher)
If begging should unfortunately be thy lot, knock at the large gates only.
Arabian Proverb (Sayings of Arabian origin)
A bashful beggar will have an empty wallet.
Hungarian Proverb (Sayings of Hungarian origin)
Give a beggar a dime and he'll bless you. Give him a dollar and he'll curse you for withholding the rest of your fortune. Poverty is a bag with a hole at the bottom.
Anzia Yezierska (1885-1970, Polish writer)
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